
Functions and type definitions for working with objects of the tiro virtual machine.


Describes a native object type to the tiro runtime.


Represents the kind of a tiro value.
typedef enum tiro_kindtiro_kind_t
Represents the kind of a tiro value.
typedef void(*)(tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_handle_t coro, void *userdata)tiro_coroutine_callback_t
Represents a coroutine completion callback.
typedef void(*)(void *userdata)tiro_coroutine_cleanup_t
Represents a cleanup function associated with a coroutine callback.
typedef struct tiro_module_member_ttiro_module_member_t
typedef struct tiro_native_typetiro_native_type_t
Describes a native object type to the tiro runtime.


const char *tiro_kind_str(tiro_kind_t kind)
Returns the name of the kind, formatted as a string.
tiro_kind_ttiro_value_kind(tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_handle_t value)
Returns the kind of the handle's current value.
booltiro_value_same(tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_handle_t a, tiro_handle_t b)
Returns true if and only if a and b refer to exactly the same value.
voidtiro_value_to_string(tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_handle_t value, tiro_handle_t result, tiro_error_t * err)
Outputs a string representing the given value.
voidtiro_value_copy(tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_handle_t value, tiro_handle_t result, tiro_error_t * err)
Copies the current value to result.
voidtiro_value_type(tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_handle_t value, tiro_handle_t result, tiro_error_t * err)
Returns the type of the given value by assigning it to result.
voidtiro_kind_type(tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_kind_t kind, tiro_handle_t result, tiro_error_t * err)
Retrieves the type instance that corresponds to the given kind and assigns it to result.
voidtiro_make_null(tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_handle_t result)
Sets the given result handle to null.
voidtiro_make_boolean(tiro_vm_t vm, bool value, tiro_handle_t result, tiro_error_t * err)
Returns the specified boolean value via the output argument result.
booltiro_boolean_value(tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_handle_t value)
Returns value converted to a boolean value.
voidtiro_make_integer(tiro_vm_t vm, int64_t value, tiro_handle_t result, tiro_error_t * err)
Constructs an integer with the given value.
int64_ttiro_integer_value(tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_handle_t value)
Returns value converted to an integer.
voidtiro_make_float(tiro_vm_t vm, double value, tiro_handle_t result, tiro_error_t * err)
Constructs a float with the given value.
doubletiro_float_value(tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_handle_t value)
Returns the floating point of value.
voidtiro_make_string(tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_string_t value, tiro_handle_t result, tiro_error_t * err)
Constructs a new string with the given content.
voidtiro_string_value(tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_handle_t string, tiro_string_t * value, tiro_error_t * err)
Retrieves the string's content as a (data, length)-pair without copying the data.
voidtiro_string_cstr(tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_handle_t string, char ** result, tiro_error_t * err)
Retrieves the string's content and creates a new zero terminated c string, which is assigned to *result.
voidtiro_make_tuple(tiro_vm_t vm, size_t size, tiro_handle_t result, tiro_error_t * err)
Constructs a new tuple with size entries.
size_ttiro_tuple_size(tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_handle_t tuple)
Returns the tuple's size, or 0 if the given value is not a tuple (use tiro_value_kind to disambiguate between types).
voidtiro_tuple_get(tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_handle_t tuple, size_t index, tiro_handle_t result, tiro_error_t * err)
Retrieves the tuple element at the given index from tuple and assigns it to result, unless an error occurs.
voidtiro_tuple_set(tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_handle_t tuple, size_t index, tiro_handle_t value, tiro_error_t * err)
Sets the tuple's element at position index to value.
voidtiro_make_record_schema(tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_handle_t keys, tiro_handle_t result, tiro_error_t * err)
Constructs a new record schema from the given array of keys.
voidtiro_make_record(tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_handle_t schema, tiro_handle_t result, tiro_error_t * err)
Constructs a new record with the properties defined by the given schema.
voidtiro_record_keys(tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_handle_t record, tiro_handle_t result, tiro_error_t * err)
Retrieves an array of valid keys for the given record.
voidtiro_record_get(tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_handle_t record, tiro_handle_t key, tiro_handle_t result, tiro_error_t * err)
Retrieves the value associated with the given key on this record.
voidtiro_record_set(tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_handle_t record, tiro_handle_t key, tiro_handle_t value, tiro_error_t * err)
Sets the record's value associated with the given key to value.
voidtiro_make_array(tiro_vm_t vm, size_t initial_capacity, tiro_handle_t result, tiro_error_t * err)
Constructs a new, empty array with the given initial capacity.
size_ttiro_array_size(tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_handle_t array)
Returns the array's size, or 0 if the given value is not an array (use tiro_value_kind to disambiguate between types).
voidtiro_array_get(tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_handle_t array, size_t index, tiro_handle_t result, tiro_error_t * err)
Retrieves the array element at the given index from array and assigns it to result, unless an error occurs.
voidtiro_array_set(tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_handle_t array, size_t index, tiro_handle_t value, tiro_error_t * err)
Sets the array's element at position index to value.
voidtiro_array_push(tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_handle_t array, tiro_handle_t value, tiro_error_t * err)
Appends value to the given array.
voidtiro_array_pop(tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_handle_t array, tiro_error_t * err)
Removes the last element from the given array.
voidtiro_array_clear(tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_handle_t array, tiro_error_t * err)
Removes all elements from the given array.
voidtiro_make_success(tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_handle_t value, tiro_handle_t result, tiro_error_t * err)
Constructs a new successful result with the given value.
voidtiro_make_error(tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_handle_t error, tiro_handle_t result, tiro_error_t * err)
Constructs a new error result with the given error.
booltiro_result_is_success(tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_handle_t instance)
Returns true if the result in instance represents success.
booltiro_result_is_error(tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_handle_t instance)
Returns true if the result in instance represents an error.
voidtiro_result_value(tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_handle_t instance, tiro_handle_t out, tiro_error_t * err)
Retrieves the value from the result in instance and writes it into out.
voidtiro_result_error(tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_handle_t instance, tiro_handle_t out, tiro_error_t * err)
Retrieves the error from the result in instance and writes it into out.
voidtiro_exception_message(tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_handle_t instance, tiro_handle_t result, tiro_error_t * err)
Retrieves the message from the exception in instance and writes it into result.
voidtiro_exception_trace(tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_handle_t instance, tiro_handle_t result, tiro_error_t * err)
Retrieves the exception's call stack trace and writes it into result.
voidtiro_make_coroutine(tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_handle_t func, tiro_handle_t arguments, tiro_handle_t result, tiro_error_t * err)
Constructs a new coroutine that will execute the given function.
booltiro_coroutine_started(tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_handle_t coroutine)
Returns true if the coroutine has been started, false otherwise.
booltiro_coroutine_completed(tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_handle_t coroutine)
Returns true if the coroutine has finished its execution, false otherwise.
voidtiro_coroutine_result(tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_handle_t coroutine, tiro_handle_t result, tiro_error_t * err)
Returns the coroutine's result by assigning it to result.
voidtiro_coroutine_set_callback(tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_handle_t coroutine, tiro_coroutine_callback_t callback, tiro_coroutine_cleanup_t cleanup, void * userdata, tiro_error_t * err)
Schedules the given callback to be invoked once the coroutine completes.
voidtiro_coroutine_start(tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_handle_t coroutine, tiro_error_t * err)
Starts the given coroutine by scheduling it for execution.
voidtiro_make_module(tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_string_t name, tiro_module_member_t * members, size_t members_length, tiro_handle_t result, tiro_error_t * err)
Creates a new module with the given name from the given members list.
voidtiro_module_get_export(tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_handle_t module, tiro_string_t export_name, tiro_handle_t result, tiro_error_t * err)
Attempts to retrieve the exported module member called export_name from the given module.
voidtiro_type_name(tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_handle_t type, tiro_handle_t result, tiro_error_t * err)
Retrieves the name of this type and assigns it to result.
voidtiro_make_native(tiro_vm_t vm, const tiro_native_type_t * type_descriptor, size_t size, tiro_handle_t result, tiro_error_t * err)
Constructs a new native object of the given type and size.
const tiro_native_type_t *tiro_native_type_descriptor(tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_handle_t object)
Returns the address of the tiro_native_type_t instance that was used to create the given native object.
void *tiro_native_data(tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_handle_t object)
Returns the address of the allocated user storage of the given native object.
size_ttiro_native_size(tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_handle_t object)
Returns the size (in bytes) of the given native object's user storage.

§Types Documentation

§enum tiro_kind

TIRO_KIND_NULL0Value is null.
TIRO_KIND_BOOLEANValue is true or false.
TIRO_KIND_INTEGERValue is an integer.
TIRO_KIND_FLOATValue is a floating point number.
TIRO_KIND_STRINGValue is a string.
TIRO_KIND_FUNCTIONValue is a function.
TIRO_KIND_TUPLEValue is a tuple.
TIRO_KIND_RECORDValue is a record.
TIRO_KIND_RECORD_SCHEMAValue is a record schema.
TIRO_KIND_ARRAYValue is an array.
TIRO_KIND_RESULTValue is a result.
TIRO_KIND_EXCEPTIONValue is an exception.
TIRO_KIND_COROUTINEValue is a coroutine.
TIRO_KIND_MODULEValue is a module.
TIRO_KIND_TYPEValue is a type.
TIRO_KIND_NATIVEValue is a native object.
TIRO_KIND_INTERNAL1000Value is some other, internal type.
TIRO_KIND_INVALIDInvalid value (e.g. null handle)

Represents the kind of a tiro value.

§typedef tiro_kind_t

typedef enum tiro_kind tiro_kind_t;

Represents the kind of a tiro value.

§typedef tiro_coroutine_callback_t

typedef void(* tiro_coroutine_callback_t) (tiro_vm_t vm, tiro_handle_t coro, void *userdata);

Represents a coroutine completion callback.


  • vm The virtual machine the coroutine was running on.
  • coro The completed coroutine.
  • userdata The original userdata pointer that was provided when the callback was registered.

These are invoked when a coroutine finishes execution, either successfully or with an error.

§typedef tiro_coroutine_cleanup_t

typedef void(* tiro_coroutine_cleanup_t) (void *userdata);

Represents a cleanup function associated with a coroutine callback.


  • userdata The original userdata pointer that was provided when the callback was registered.

Cleanup functions are always executed immediately after the callback was invoked, or when the virtual machine is shutting down prior to the coroutine's completion. The cleanup function is always executed exactly once.

TODO: Does the cleanup function need access to the vm instance?

§typedef tiro_module_member_t

typedef struct tiro_module_member_t tiro_module_member_t;

§typedef tiro_native_type_t

typedef struct tiro_native_type tiro_native_type_t;

Describes a native object type to the tiro runtime.

Todo: DRAFT API. Will probably be replaced with native user defined types.

Warning: The native type instance must not be changed while it is being referenced by native objects!

Instances of this type must be provided to the API when constructing a new native object.

Native objects that are created with a certain type will continue refencing that type instance by its address. The lifetime of tiro_native_type_t instances is not managed by the runtime, they must remain valid for as long as there are native objects referring to them.

§Functions Documentation

§function tiro_kind_str

const char * tiro_kind_str(
tiro_kind_t kind

Returns the name of the kind, formatted as a string.

The string points into static storage and must not be freed.

§function tiro_value_kind

tiro_kind_t tiro_value_kind(
tiro_vm_t vm,
tiro_handle_t value

Returns the kind of the handle's current value.

§function tiro_value_same

bool tiro_value_same(
tiro_vm_t vm,
tiro_handle_t a,
tiro_handle_t b

Returns true if and only if a and b refer to exactly the same value.

§function tiro_value_to_string

void tiro_value_to_string(
tiro_vm_t vm,
tiro_handle_t value,
tiro_handle_t result,
tiro_error_t * err

Outputs a string representing the given value.

The string is assigned to result.

§function tiro_value_copy

void tiro_value_copy(
tiro_vm_t vm,
tiro_handle_t value,
tiro_handle_t result,
tiro_error_t * err

Copies the current value to result.

§function tiro_value_type

void tiro_value_type(
tiro_vm_t vm,
tiro_handle_t value,
tiro_handle_t result,
tiro_error_t * err

Returns the type of the given value by assigning it to result.

This function will fail with an error when attempting to access an internal type.

§function tiro_kind_type

void tiro_kind_type(
tiro_vm_t vm,
tiro_kind_t kind,
tiro_handle_t result,
tiro_error_t * err

Retrieves the type instance that corresponds to the given kind and assigns it to result.

kind must represent a valid, exported value kind, otherwise an error is returned instead.

§function tiro_make_null

void tiro_make_null(
tiro_vm_t vm,
tiro_handle_t result

Sets the given result handle to null.

§function tiro_make_boolean

void tiro_make_boolean(
tiro_vm_t vm,
bool value,
tiro_handle_t result,
tiro_error_t * err

Returns the specified boolean value via the output argument result.

§function tiro_boolean_value

bool tiro_boolean_value(
tiro_vm_t vm,
tiro_handle_t value

Returns value converted to a boolean value.

false and null are considered false, all other values will return true.

§function tiro_make_integer

void tiro_make_integer(
tiro_vm_t vm,
int64_t value,
tiro_handle_t result,
tiro_error_t * err

Constructs an integer with the given value.

Returns TIRO_ERROR_ALLOC on allocation failure.

§function tiro_integer_value

int64_t tiro_integer_value(
tiro_vm_t vm,
tiro_handle_t value

Returns value converted to an integer.

This function supports conversion for floating point values (they are truncated to an integer). All other values return 0 (use tiro_value_kind to disambiguate between types).

§function tiro_make_float

void tiro_make_float(
tiro_vm_t vm,
double value,
tiro_handle_t result,
tiro_error_t * err

Constructs a float with the given value.

Returns TIRO_ERROR_ALLOC on allocation failure.

§function tiro_float_value

double tiro_float_value(
tiro_vm_t vm,
tiro_handle_t value

Returns the floating point of value.

This function supports conversion for integer values, all other values will return 0 (use tiro_value_kind to disambiguate between types).

§function tiro_make_string

void tiro_make_string(
tiro_vm_t vm,
tiro_string_t value,
tiro_handle_t result,
tiro_error_t * err

Constructs a new string with the given content.

Returns TIRO_ERROR_ALLOC on allocation failure.

§function tiro_string_value

void tiro_string_value(
tiro_vm_t vm,
tiro_handle_t string,
tiro_string_t * value,
tiro_error_t * err

Retrieves the string's content as a (data, length)-pair without copying the data.


  • The string content returned through value is a view into the string's current storage. Because objects may move on the heap (e.g. because of garbage collection), this data may be invalidated. The data may only be used immediately after calling this function in native code that is guaranteed to NOT allocate on the tiro heap. It MUST NOT be used as input tiro an allocating function (which includes most functions of this API), or after such a function has been called.
  • The string returned by this function is not zero terminated.

The pointer to the string's storage will be placed in *value. Returns TIRO_ERROR_BAD_TYPE if the value is not actually a string.

§function tiro_string_cstr

void tiro_string_cstr(
tiro_vm_t vm,
tiro_handle_t string,
char ** result,
tiro_error_t * err

Retrieves the string's content and creates a new zero terminated c string, which is assigned to *result.

*result is only assigned to if the construction of the string succeeded (in which case TIRO_OK will be returned). Returns TIRO_ERROR_BAD_TYPE if the value is not actually a string.

If TIRO_OK was returned, then *result must be passed to free for cleanup.

§function tiro_make_tuple

void tiro_make_tuple(
tiro_vm_t vm,
size_t size,
tiro_handle_t result,
tiro_error_t * err

Constructs a new tuple with size entries.

All entries are initially null. Returns TIRO_ERROR_ALLOC on allocation failure.

§function tiro_tuple_size

size_t tiro_tuple_size(
tiro_vm_t vm,
tiro_handle_t tuple

Returns the tuple's size, or 0 if the given value is not a tuple (use tiro_value_kind to disambiguate between types).

§function tiro_tuple_get

void tiro_tuple_get(
tiro_vm_t vm,
tiro_handle_t tuple,
size_t index,
tiro_handle_t result,
tiro_error_t * err

Retrieves the tuple element at the given index from tuple and assigns it to result, unless an error occurs.

Returns TIRO_ERROR_BAD_TYPE if the instance is not a tuple, or TIRO_ERROR_OUT_OF_BOUNDS if the index is out of bounds.

§function tiro_tuple_set

void tiro_tuple_set(
tiro_vm_t vm,
tiro_handle_t tuple,
size_t index,
tiro_handle_t value,
tiro_error_t * err

Sets the tuple's element at position index to value.

Returns TIRO_ERROR_BAD_TYPE if the instance is not a tuple, or TIRO_ERROR_OUT_OF_BOUNDS if the index is out of bounds.

§function tiro_make_record_schema

void tiro_make_record_schema(
tiro_vm_t vm,
tiro_handle_t keys,
tiro_handle_t result,
tiro_error_t * err

Constructs a new record schema from the given array of keys.

The record schema can be used to construct records with the property names specified in keys.

Returns TIRO_ERROR_BAD_TYPE if keys is not an array or if its content is not composed entirely of strings. On success, the constructed record schema will be assigned to result.

§function tiro_make_record

void tiro_make_record(
tiro_vm_t vm,
tiro_handle_t schema,
tiro_handle_t result,
tiro_error_t * err

Constructs a new record with the properties defined by the given schema.

schema must reference a value of type TIRO_RECORD_SCHEMA. The values associated with the new record's property names will be initialized to null.

Returns TIRO_ERROR_BAD_TYPE if schema is not a record schema. On success, the constructed record will be assigned to result.

§function tiro_record_keys

void tiro_record_keys(
tiro_vm_t vm,
tiro_handle_t record,
tiro_handle_t result,
tiro_error_t * err

Retrieves an array of valid keys for the given record.

Returns TIRO_ERROR_BAD_TYPE if the instance is not a record.

§function tiro_record_get

void tiro_record_get(
tiro_vm_t vm,
tiro_handle_t record,
tiro_handle_t key,
tiro_handle_t result,
tiro_error_t * err

Retrieves the value associated with the given key on this record.

On success, the value will be assigned to result. Returns TIRO_ERROR_BAD_TYPE if the instance is not a record, or if key is not a string. Returns TIRO_ERROR_BAD_KEY if the key is invalid for this record.

§function tiro_record_set

void tiro_record_set(
tiro_vm_t vm,
tiro_handle_t record,
tiro_handle_t key,
tiro_handle_t value,
tiro_error_t * err

Sets the record's value associated with the given key to value.

Returns TIRO_ERROR_BAD_TYPE if the instance is not a record, or if key is not a string. Returns TIRO_ERROR_BAD_KEY if the key is invalid for this record.

§function tiro_make_array

void tiro_make_array(
tiro_vm_t vm,
size_t initial_capacity,
tiro_handle_t result,
tiro_error_t * err

Constructs a new, empty array with the given initial capacity.

Returns TIRO_ERROR_ALLOC on allocation failure.

§function tiro_array_size

size_t tiro_array_size(
tiro_vm_t vm,
tiro_handle_t array

Returns the array's size, or 0 if the given value is not an array (use tiro_value_kind to disambiguate between types).

§function tiro_array_get

void tiro_array_get(
tiro_vm_t vm,
tiro_handle_t array,
size_t index,
tiro_handle_t result,
tiro_error_t * err

Retrieves the array element at the given index from array and assigns it to result, unless an error occurs.

Returns TIRO_ERROR_BAD_TYPE if the instance is not an array, or TIRO_ERROR_OUT_OF_BOUNDS if the index is out of bounds.

§function tiro_array_set

void tiro_array_set(
tiro_vm_t vm,
tiro_handle_t array,
size_t index,
tiro_handle_t value,
tiro_error_t * err

Sets the array's element at position index to value.

Returns TIRO_ERROR_BAD_TYPE if the instance is not an array, or TIRO_ERROR_OUT_OF_BOUNDS if the index is out of bounds.

§function tiro_array_push

void tiro_array_push(
tiro_vm_t vm,
tiro_handle_t array,
tiro_handle_t value,
tiro_error_t * err

Appends value to the given array.

§function tiro_array_pop

void tiro_array_pop(
tiro_vm_t vm,
tiro_handle_t array,
tiro_error_t * err

Removes the last element from the given array.

Does nothing (successfully) if the array is already empty. Returns TIRO_ERROR_OUT_OF_BOUNDS if the array is already empty.

§function tiro_array_clear

void tiro_array_clear(
tiro_vm_t vm,
tiro_handle_t array,
tiro_error_t * err

Removes all elements from the given array.

Returns TIRO_ERROR_BAD_TYPE if the value is not an array.

§function tiro_make_success

void tiro_make_success(
tiro_vm_t vm,
tiro_handle_t value,
tiro_handle_t result,
tiro_error_t * err

Constructs a new successful result with the given value.

The new object will be placed into result.

§function tiro_make_error

void tiro_make_error(
tiro_vm_t vm,
tiro_handle_t error,
tiro_handle_t result,
tiro_error_t * err

Constructs a new error result with the given error.

The new object will be placed into result.

§function tiro_result_is_success

bool tiro_result_is_success(
tiro_vm_t vm,
tiro_handle_t instance

Returns true if the result in instance represents success.

§function tiro_result_is_error

bool tiro_result_is_error(
tiro_vm_t vm,
tiro_handle_t instance

Returns true if the result in instance represents an error.

§function tiro_result_value

void tiro_result_value(
tiro_vm_t vm,
tiro_handle_t instance,
tiro_handle_t out,
tiro_error_t * err

Retrieves the value from the result in instance and writes it into out.

Returns TIRO_ERROR_BAD_STATE if the result does not represent success, or TIRO_ERROR_BAD_TYPE if the instance is no result at all.

§function tiro_result_error

void tiro_result_error(
tiro_vm_t vm,
tiro_handle_t instance,
tiro_handle_t out,
tiro_error_t * err

Retrieves the error from the result in instance and writes it into out.

Returns TIRO_ERROR_BAD_STATE if the result does not represent an error, or TIRO_ERROR_BAD_TYPE if the instance is no result at all.

§function tiro_exception_message

void tiro_exception_message(
tiro_vm_t vm,
tiro_handle_t instance,
tiro_handle_t result,
tiro_error_t * err

Retrieves the message from the exception in instance and writes it into result.

If this call is successful, result will reference a string. Returns TIRO_ERROR_BAD_TYPE if the instance is no exception.

§function tiro_exception_trace

void tiro_exception_trace(
tiro_vm_t vm,
tiro_handle_t instance,
tiro_handle_t result,
tiro_error_t * err

Retrieves the exception's call stack trace and writes it into result.

If this call is successful, result will reference a string (if stack traces are enabled and one could be retrieved) or null otherwise. Returns TIRO_ERROR_BAD_TYPE if the instance is no exception.

§function tiro_make_coroutine

void tiro_make_coroutine(
tiro_vm_t vm,
tiro_handle_t func,
tiro_handle_t arguments,
tiro_handle_t result,
tiro_error_t * err

Constructs a new coroutine that will execute the given function.

Note that the coroutine will not be started before passing it to tiro_coroutine_start.

func must be a value of kind TIRO_KIND_FUNCTION, otherwise TIRO_ERROR_BAD_TYPE is returned.

arguments may be a NULL handle, a handle referencing a null value (to pass no arguments) or a tuple of values that will be passed to the function as arguments.

Returns TIRO_ERROR_ALLOC on allocation failure.

§function tiro_coroutine_started

bool tiro_coroutine_started(
tiro_vm_t vm,
tiro_handle_t coroutine

Returns true if the coroutine has been started, false otherwise.

§function tiro_coroutine_completed

bool tiro_coroutine_completed(
tiro_vm_t vm,
tiro_handle_t coroutine

Returns true if the coroutine has finished its execution, false otherwise.

§function tiro_coroutine_result

void tiro_coroutine_result(
tiro_vm_t vm,
tiro_handle_t coroutine,
tiro_handle_t result,
tiro_error_t * err

Returns the coroutine's result by assigning it to result.

The coroutine must have completed execution, i.e. [tiro_coroutine_completed()](/docs/api/files/objects_8h#function-tiro-coroutine-completed) must return true (for example, when invoked from a coroutine's completion callback). If the coroutine terminated with an uncaught panic, the result will hold an error.

§function tiro_coroutine_set_callback

void tiro_coroutine_set_callback(
tiro_vm_t vm,
tiro_handle_t coroutine,
tiro_coroutine_callback_t callback,
tiro_coroutine_cleanup_t cleanup,
void * userdata,
tiro_error_t * err

Schedules the given callback to be invoked once the coroutine completes.

coroutine must be a handle to a coroutine, otherwise TIRO_ERROR_BAD_TYPE is returned.

callback will be invoked when the coroutine completes its execution. A coroutine completes when the outermost function returns normally or if an uncaught panic is thrown from that function. The callback receives a handle to the completed coroutine, which can be inspected in order to retrieve the coroutine's result, and the original userdata argument. It will not be invoked if the virtual machine shuts down before the coroutine has completed. The callback must not be NULL, otherwise TIRO_ERROR_BAD_ARG will be returned.

Note: all callback invocations happen from within one of the tiro_vm_run* functions.

cleanup will be invoked to release state that may be owned by the callback. It will be called directly after the callback has been invoked, or as part of the virtual machine's shutdown procedure. The cleanup function receives the original userdata argument. When present, cleanup will be called exactly once. The cleanup function is optional.

userdata will be passed to callback and cleanup when appropriate, and it will not be used in any other way.

§function tiro_coroutine_start

void tiro_coroutine_start(
tiro_vm_t vm,
tiro_handle_t coroutine,
tiro_error_t * err

Starts the given coroutine by scheduling it for execution.

The coroutine must not have been started before. Coroutines are not invoked from this function. They will be executed from within one of the tiro_vm_run* functions. Returns TIRO_ERROR_BAD_TYPE if the argument is not a coroutine, or TIRO_ERROR_BAD_STATE if the coroutine cannot be started.

§function tiro_make_module

void tiro_make_module(
tiro_vm_t vm,
tiro_string_t name,
tiro_module_member_t * members,
size_t members_length,
tiro_handle_t result,
tiro_error_t * err

Creates a new module with the given name from the given members list.

Note: All members listed in this function call will be exported by the module.

name must be a non-empty string. members must be a valid pointer that points to members_length entries. When the module has been created successfully, it will be written to result.

TODO: Do we need an API for non-exported members?

§function tiro_module_get_export

void tiro_module_get_export(
tiro_vm_t vm,
tiro_handle_t module,
tiro_string_t export_name,
tiro_handle_t result,
tiro_error_t * err

Attempts to retrieve the exported module member called export_name from the given module.

On success, the member will be written to result.

Returns TIRO_ERROR_BAD_TYPE if the module is not actually of kind TIRO_KIND_MODULE. Returns TIRO_ERROR_EXPORT_NOT_FOUND if no exported member with that name exists in this module.

§function tiro_type_name

void tiro_type_name(
tiro_vm_t vm,
tiro_handle_t type,
tiro_handle_t result,
tiro_error_t * err

Retrieves the name of this type and assigns it to result.

Returns TIRO_ERROR_BAD_TYPE if the value is not a type.

§function tiro_make_native

void tiro_make_native(
tiro_vm_t vm,
const tiro_native_type_t * type_descriptor,
size_t size,
tiro_handle_t result,
tiro_error_t * err

Constructs a new native object of the given type and size.

type_descriptor must describe the properties of the new object. The native object will store a copy of this pointer, accessible via [tiro_native_type()](/docs/api/classes/structtiro__native__type). The pointer must remain valid for the lifetime of the object, which usually means the lifetime of the vm itself.

size (in bytes) specifies the size that will be allocated as user storage and must be greater than 0.

On success, the constructed object will be written to result and the object's user storage will be accessible via [tiro_native_data()](/docs/api/files/objects_8h#function-tiro-native-data).

§function tiro_native_type_descriptor

const tiro_native_type_t * tiro_native_type_descriptor(
tiro_vm_t vm,
tiro_handle_t object

Returns the address of the tiro_native_type_t instance that was used to create the given native object.

Returns NULL on error.

§function tiro_native_data

void * tiro_native_data(
tiro_vm_t vm,
tiro_handle_t object

Returns the address of the allocated user storage of the given native object.

Warning: The pointer returned by this function points into the object's current storage. Because objects may move on the heap (e.g. because of garbage collection), this data may be invalidated. The data may only be used immediately after calling this function in native code that is guaranteed to NOT allocate on the tiro heap. It MUST NOT be used as input tiro an allocating function (which includes most functions of this API), or after such a function has been called.

Returns NULL on error.

§function tiro_native_size

size_t tiro_native_size(
tiro_vm_t vm,
tiro_handle_t object

Returns the size (in bytes) of the given native object's user storage.

Returns 0 on error.

Updated on 2022-02-27 at 21:17:13 +0100