
Settings to control the construction of a virtual machine.

#include "tiropp/vm.hpp"

§Public Attributes

The size (in bytes) of heap pages allocated by the virtual machine for the storage of most objects.
The maximum size (in bytes) that can be occupied by the virtual machine's heap.
std::function< void(std::string_view message)>print_stdout
Invoked by the vm to print a message to the standard output, e.g.
Set this to true to enable capturing of the current call stack trace when an exception is created during a panic.

§Public Attributes Documentation

§variable page_size

size_t page_size = 0;

The size (in bytes) of heap pages allocated by the virtual machine for the storage of most objects.

Must be a power of two between 2^16 and 2^24 or zero to use the default value.

Smaller pages waste less memory if only small workloads are to be expected. Larger page sizes can be more performant because fewer chunks need to be allocated for the same number of objects.

Note that objects that do not fit into a single page reasonably well will be allocated "on the side" using a separate allocation.

§variable max_heap_size

size_t max_heap_size = 0;

The maximum size (in bytes) that can be occupied by the virtual machine's heap.

The virtual machine will throw out of memory errors if this limit is reached.

The default value (0) will apply a sane default memory limit. Use std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() for an unconstrained heap size.

§variable print_stdout

std::function< void(std::string_view message)> print_stdout;

Invoked by the vm to print a message to the standard output, e.g.

when std.print(...) was called. The vm will print to the process's standard output when this function is not set.

§variable enable_panic_stack_traces

bool enable_panic_stack_traces = false;

Set this to true to enable capturing of the current call stack trace when an exception is created during a panic.

Capturing stack traces has a significant performance impact because many call frames on the call stack have to be visited.

Updated on 2022-02-27 at 21:17:13 +0100