
Refers to an exception.

#include "tiropp/objects.hpp"

Inherits from handle

§Public Functions

exception(handle h)
exception(const exception & ) =default
exception(exception && ) =default
exception &operator=(const exception & ) =default
exception &operator=(exception && ) =default
stringmessage() const
The message string associated with this exception.
handletrace() const
The exception's stack trace.

§Additional inherited members

Protected Classes inherited from handle


Public Functions inherited from handle

template <typename T >
as() const
Converts this value to the target type.
template <typename T >
Converts this value to the target type.
handle(tiro_vm_t raw_vm)
Constructs a new handle instance.
handle(const handle & other)
Constructs a new handle and initialize is it with the same value as other.
handle(handle && other) =default
Move constructs a handle.
~handle() =default
boolvalid() const
Returns true if this handle points to an object (i.e. it was not moved from).
value_kindkind() const
Returns the kind of the value currently held by this handle.
template <typename T >
is() const
Returns true if this value is of the target type.
typetype_of() const
Returns the type of the value currently held by this handle.
stringto_string() const
Returns a string that represents the current value.
tiro_vm_traw_vm() const
Returns the raw vm instance associated with this handle.
tiro_handle_traw_handle() const
Returns the raw handle instance (nullptr for invalid handles).

Protected Functions inherited from handle

handle(check_kind_t , handle && other, value_kind expected)

Protected Attributes inherited from handle

constexpr check_kind_tcheck_kind

§Public Functions Documentation

§function exception

inline explicit exception(
handle h

§function exception

const exception &
) =default

§function exception

exception &&
) =default

§function operator=

exception & operator=(
const exception &
) =default

§function operator=

exception & operator=(
exception &&
) =default

§function message

inline string message() const

The message string associated with this exception.

§function trace

inline handle trace() const

The exception's stack trace.

Either null or a string value.

Updated on 2022-02-27 at 21:17:13 +0100