
Represents the call frame of a asynchronous function call. More...

#include "tiropp/functions.hpp"

§Public Functions

async_frame(tiro_vm_t raw_vm, tiro_async_frame_t raw_frame)
async_frame(async_frame && ) =delete
async_frame &operator=(async_frame && ) =delete
size_targ_count() const
Returns the number of arguments passed to this function call.
handlearg(size_t index) const
Returns the argument at the given index (0 <= index < argc).
handleclosure() const
Returns the closure value referenced by this function (if any).
voidreturn_value(const handle & value)
Sets the return value for this function call frame to the given value.
voidpanic_msg(std::string_view message)
Signals a panic from this function call frame using the given message.
async_tokentoken() const
Returns a token for resuming an async function call after yielding.
Yields from an async function call, pausing the current coroutine until it is resumed via an async frame token.
tiro_vm_traw_vm() const
tiro_async_frame_traw_frame() const

§Detailed Description

class tiro::async_frame;

Represents the call frame of a asynchronous function call.

References to sync_frames are only valid from within the surrounding function call.

§Public Functions Documentation

§function async_frame

inline async_frame(
tiro_vm_t raw_vm,
tiro_async_frame_t raw_frame

§function async_frame

async_frame &&
) =delete

§function operator=

async_frame & operator=(
async_frame &&
) =delete

§function arg_count

inline size_t arg_count() const

Returns the number of arguments passed to this function call.

§function arg

inline handle arg(
size_t index
) const

Returns the argument at the given index (0 <= index < argc).

§function closure

inline handle closure() const

Returns the closure value referenced by this function (if any).

§function return_value

inline void return_value(
const handle & value

Sets the return value for this function call frame to the given value.

This function can be used to signal an immediate return without yielding.

§function panic_msg

inline void panic_msg(
std::string_view message

Signals a panic from this function call frame using the given message.

This function can be used to signal an immediate panic without yielding.

§function token

inline async_token token() const

Returns a token for resuming an async function call after yielding.

Yielding from an async function call must be implemented by

  1. acquiring an async token and storing it somewhere
  2. scheduling some asynchronous operation
  3. calling [yield()](/docs/api/classes/classtiro_1_1async__frame#function-yield) on this frame and returning from the native function call After the async operation has completed, the coroutine may be resumed by calling token.return_value or token.panic_msg to provide a function result.

§function yield

inline void yield()

Yields from an async function call, pausing the current coroutine until it is resumed via an async frame token.

The native function should return immediately after calling this function.

§function raw_vm

inline tiro_vm_t raw_vm() const

§function raw_frame

inline tiro_async_frame_t raw_frame() const

Updated on 2022-02-27 at 21:17:13 +0100